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Help! Registering for a new account isn't working

Jade Lowe
Updated 11 months ago

In order to register for an account we have 2 stages of verification:

  1. Email verification
  2. Mobile number verification

It all starts at the registration page (https://my.octopusgroup.com.au/register) and it should look like the image below.

You'll need to enter your mobile number (also specify the international prefix from the drop list) and your email address. After proving to google reCaptcha that you are not a robot... and agreeing to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy an ORANGE "Register" button will appear.

After clicking the "Register" button an email will be sent to the address you entered. 

Hint: If you don't receive the email in your inbox then check your spam / junk folders

The email will look similar to the below

After clicking on the verify link you will be taken to the second verification stage and the page will look similar to the below.

Please note that you can also copy-paste the link into a new browser.

After filling in all the details (excluding the promo code unless you have one) you'll need to click the ORANGE button "Send verification code" - This will send a code to the mobile number listed on the page.

If you don't get the code or can't submit it for some reason we'll need to do a manual verification but you must stay on this page and keep following the changing ORANGE BUTTON or your details will NOT be saved

The stages of the ORANGE button:

  1. "Send verification code"
  2. "Resend Verification Code"
  3. "Proceed without verifying"

Pressing the "Proceed without verifying" button will save your details but your account will still be unverified.

This means you will not be able to log into your account until you have emailed support and supplied your mobile number to manually verify.

Support will then send you an SMS code that you will need to email back to support. As log is the code matches then support will manually verify your account and you should be good to go.

Unfortunately if you cannot send and receive sms's you will not be able to proceed with membership, as this is mandatory. 

😞 😐 😃