We encourage everyone to become acquainted with Octopus Group by reading our website first, just so you know what to expect before signing up.
The registration page is located here - https://my.octopusgroup.com.au/register
Most of the details are simple to enter, some might need some explaining so each step of the process has been described below.
Registration is split into two parts:
- Email confirmation
- Enter your mobile number - Select Country code and insert your mobile number in local format - the number will be reformatted to international format
- Enter your email address - This is only used for email invitations, redemption confirmations and other administrative tasks
- Check the box to prove you are not a robot - This is a security measure to stop unwanted access
- Check the box for agreement to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy - The text contains links to both the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy policy, it is written pretty simply and is there to keep us in business. To become a member you must agree to this.
- Click the Register button
The page will then show the email address that the confirmation link was sent to.
- If you can't find the email, please check your junk or spam folders.
- If you still can't see it, you might have entered an incorrect email address, so just register again.
- Phone number and other details
- Click on the link from the email (or Copy and Paste it into the browser)
- Password and confirmation - Minimum of 8 characters. If you need to reset your password - see Resetting your password
- First Name - This is the name you will be referred to in email notifications. No spaces will be recorded
- Last Name - This can include spaces
- Gender - This is used to send gender appropriate survey invitations
- Postcode - 3 or 4 digits only. No leading zeros for AU postcodes (i.e. If postcode is 0814, enter 814)
- Date of Birth - This is used to send age-appropriate survey invitations. Members must be 15+
- Optional Promo code section - if you have a valid promo code it gets entered here
- "Send verification code" button - This will send an sms with a confirmation code to the registered mobile number. This code will only be sent once.
- If you do not receive the code, please double check that your Mobile number is correct. If your number (at the top of the page) is wrong it can be changed.
- If you have not received the sms, you can select the "Resend Verification Code" button.
- After selecting "Resend Verification Code" if you still have not received an sms, you can click the "Proceed without verifying" button.
- Selecting "Proceed without verifying" will save your details but your account will be unverified. This means you will not be able to log into your account until you have contacted support, who will then send you a code (manually) to verify your account. You will also receive an email with instructions to this extent.
- Unfortunately if you cannot receive an sms from us you will not be able to proceed with your membership, as a verified account is mandatory.
- If you were able to receive the code from the registration system, please enter it in the field provided and click on Register to complete the registration process
That's it! While it seems like a lot of steps, it normally takes about 2 minutes. The process is intentionally detailed, if you're serious about doing surveys then we are serious about paying you so we need the right details.
There are some common sticking points, the main ones to watch out for are:
- Entering the wrong codes - The initial code will be a 6 digit code sent to your mobile number from the system.
- Mis-typing your email and/or mobile phone number.
- If you don't receive the email, check your email address has been entered correctly
- if you don't receive the sms, you may have entered your mobile incorrectly. Unfortunately, you'll need to contact support to manually verify your account, see Manually verifying your account
- If you are getting a message about No Robots Allowed please confirm the reCAPTCHA widget is showing. If not then you'll need to refresh your page. For issues with Google's reCAPTCHA, there is not much we can do here, best to refresh the registration page and start again.
- Your account has not been created - Help! Registering for a new account isn't working